Frimley Health goes live with state-of-the-art new electronic patient record system
This year Frimley Health became one of the most digitally advanced NHS trusts in the country after introducing a new system that eliminates paperwork and keeps all patient information in one place.
The new single electronic patient record (EPR) means clinical teams can instantly access every patient’s record from anywhere to support their treatment.
The move, which will greatly improve patient safety and experience, is the biggest change the Trust has ever undertaken and is the culmination of three years’ preparation from our teams.
Replacing more than 260 separate data and paper systems with one joined up digital record for each patient is significantly improving safety and experience for people in Frimley Health’s care.
When our patients stay or visit, they will notice an all-round better experience, and they won’t need to repeat the same information to different members of staff.
For instance, if a patient attends an appointment one morning and a procedure is scheduled in the afternoon, each member of staff that patient interacts with will know exactly where they’ve been and how they can be caring for them. Our electronic
record will have followed our patient on their Frimley Health journey.
Patients will also receive better information about their care, including our new After Visit Summary which will be provided to them at the end of their stay.
The Epic EPR system was selected by clinicians and managers and is considered one of the best in the world. It represents a considerable investment in care for Frimley Health’s communities in Hampshire, Berkshire, Surrey and South Bucks.
It also links with other data systems to ensure care is seamless for patients transferring or being looked after by multiple agencies.