As part of the NHS we are measured against a range of targets which reflect what's important to patients. 

Whether it's waiting times in our A&E or recommending us to others in the Friends and Family test, all of these things can help you be confident that we are working hard to deliver the best possible care, in a timely and caring way.

Since we came into existence in October 2014 we are pleased with the progress we have made. We have:

  • Reduced the number of complaints we receive about the care we provide by over a quarter
  • Been one of the best performers in the area for achieving the maximum four hour wait in A&E
  • Seen more people with suspected cancer more quickly to get an answer for them
  • Seen more patients referred to us from their GP within the 18 week target
  • Improved our Friends and Family test score to 93% of patients saying they would recommend us
  • Increased the number of staff working here who would also recommend us to their family and friends both as a place to work and as a place to receive care.