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Simulation Links

Simulation is developing at an exceptional rate; to keep up we focus on developing strong links with our fellow simulation centres and affiliated societies. 

Disclaimer: We have no control over the nature, content and availability of these websites listed below. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or that the Trust endorses the views expressed within them.

Sim Organisations

ASPiH: Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare

SimGhosts - for SimTechs - SimGHOSTS provides hands-on simulation technology training events around the world. Learn more about the next event coming to a region near you. Healthcare simulation resources website featuring news, job listings, product demos, research highlights, conference coverage, helpful tutorials and more! 

SCSCHF simulation courses: A selection of locally developed courses from Scotland

London Simulation Network: The London Simulation Network includes providers of simulation-based education across all organisations responsible for education of health care professionals in London.

SimZine: SimZine is a useful practical digital magazine which promotes the use of simulation in the education and training of health professionals.

Sim Faculty CPD

Simulation debriefing: News and guidance for healthcare simulation debriefing.

Curriculum-led simulation: Video giving an overview of supervised learning events / workplace-based assessments

Essentials in clinical simulations across the health professions: Online course on clinical simulations

The London Handbook for Debriefing: Features the SHARP and OSAD debriefing tools

Virtual Simulation: An Educator's Toolkit: Open access etextbook containing key concepts related to educator preparation, prebrief, enactment, debrief and evaluation stages required for providing an effective virtual simulation learning experience. 

Simulcast Self Development Modules: Downloadable modules on Educational Theory, Simulation Theory and Simulation for Quality and Safety.

Data Informed Simulation Debriefing: ICE blog post on simulation debriefing.

LSN Faculty Development Framework: Framework to support the delivery of simulation-based activities.

Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions: A free 7-week online course that provides simulationists with key strategies to help understand the foundation of clinical simulations.

How to get started as a clinical simulation debriefer: Useful article on getting started in clinical simulation debriefing.


Scenario resources

Frimley Health scenarios: Our own scenario library can be found on this website in the Simulation Scenarios section

Simulation techniques:  Our simulation techniques section on this website contains some useful sim conversions and tweaks

Simulation forms: A library of our interactive forms for use as scenario props and in running the service

Oxford Deanery scenarios database: Their old ‘Clinical Simulation Scenarios’ library of 137 scenarios can be found in our Simulation Scenarios section.

Free medical simulation scenarios: A selection of free medicine and nursing scenarios.

EM sim cases: Peer reviewed simulation cases for Emergency Medicine

The sim tech: Extensive collection of donated scenarios

Severn deanery scenarios: A selection of locally developed scenarios

mobilesim scenariosSelection of intensive care scenarios

CAN Sim scenariosLarge selection of scenarios from the Canadian Alliance of Nurse Educators Using Simulation

NHS learning hub: Features a range of simulation resources developed by the healthcare workforce

About nursing simulation: Useful information and resources

About surgical simulation: Useful information and resources

Radiopaedia: Open-edit educational radiology resource

MEDtube: Medical video and images library

SimLabTool for creating mock lab reports

The Sim BookSimulation scenarios and resources

SIM Scenario ExchangeRepository of free resources, including simulation scenarios, links to virtual simulations, scenario development tools & templates, and assessment/evaluation tools

iRIS: Massive UK library of downloadable high quality simulation scenarios designed in conjunction with HEE for use with manikins, standardised patients and part task trainers. QuEST have a single license to access this so please email for further details of what you’re searching for (speciality and/or learner group and/or subject etc)…

Moulage resources

Simulation Techniques:  For some specific moulage ‘recipes’ and guides check out our section on this website

SimGHOSTS moulage videos: Five moulage tutorials to save time and money

Healthy simulation: Find the best clinical simulation moulage resources