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Search Skills Training and Support

Library training

In order to enable NHS staff and students on placement to access the best health information resources available to them, qualified information professionals within the library teams across Frimley Health offer evidence search skills training opportunities as follows:

1. Individual sessions: One-to-one sessions are by far our  most popular. Please book in advance.

2. Group sessions: These can be tailor-made to suit the group concerned.

These sessions most frequently take place in the Library, but staff are happy to deliver training within your Department where facilities are suitable, or virtually via MS Teams.

To book a session at Frimley Park please use:

To book a session at Wexham Park please use: 

Self studying

If you would like to do some self-studying, these modules and tips will help you to build confidence to search literature relevant to your work, research or study. 

Top Tips

Evidence search skills

In order to enable NHS staff and students on placement to access the best health information resources  available to them, qualified  information professionals within the library teams across Frimley Health offer evidence search skills training opportunities as follows:

1. Individual sessions: One-to-one sessions are by far our  most popular. Please book in advance.

2. Group sessions: These can be tailor-made to suit the group concerned.

These sessions most frequently take place in the Library, but staff are happy to deliver training within your Department where facilities are suitable, or virtually via MS Teams.

To book a session at Frimley Park please use:

To book a session at Wexham Park please use: 

Top Tips

elfh Literature Searching e-learning

How to Search the Literature Effectively_Banner.These modules are designed to help the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) build confidence to search published literature for articles and evidence relevant to their work, study and research. The modules are short (each taking no more than 20 minutes to complete) and may be ‘dipped into’ for reference, or completed to obtain a certificate. There are seven modules suitable for novice searchers and those wishing to refresh their knowledge:

Building the Foundations

Developing the Skills

Applying the Skills

For more details, please click here.


elfh Critical Appraisal e-learning

Critically Appraising the Evidence BaseThe critical appraisal programme has been designed to enable the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) to build confidence in the critical appraisal process when applying and evaluating research.

As the next step to research review, critical appraisal is the process of assessing the reliability, importance, and applicability of evidence. It can be applied to a range of written work such as formal research projects, studies and professional development to check validity and determine value.

This programme aims to support NHS colleagues with understanding the different methods and tools to carry out critical appraisal of research, through 8 bite-sized modules.

This elearning programme includes 8 sessions.

  1. Introduction to critical appraisal
  2. Introduction to equity considerations in critical appraisal
  3. Introduction to critical appraisal of randomised controlled trials
  4. Introduction to interpreting results for critical appraisal
  5. Introduction to critical appraisal of systematic reviews
  6. Introduction to critical appraisal of qualitative studies
  7. Introduction to critical appraisal tools
  8. Critical Appraisal Evaluation

For more details, please click here.

Using OR / AND

Cochrane Library Training Hub

The Cochrane Library Training Hub aims to guide you through using the Cochrane Library by providing access to quick training videos, user guides and webinars. Access the Cochrane Library:


LIHNN Literature Searching Modules

A 2015 MOOC by the LIHNN Clinical Librarians has been turned into a set of six standalone e-learning modules, freely available at:

The modules were developed for librarians, but will be helpful to anyone looking to improve their knowledge and skills around effective literature searching.