Bracknell Healthspace houses services for several healthcare groups.
Frimley Health outpatient appointments is located on the second floor of the building.
Bracknell Healthspace, Brants Bridge is situated on the north western corner of the A329 London Road/A322 Broad Lane roundabout junction in Bracknell.
Car parking, including disabled-only spaces is on the ground level and is free of charge.
Courtney bus 156 (between Healthspace and Bracknell Town Centre)
Green Line 702/703 (Bracknell – Ascot) operates around the corner from the Healthspace along London Road with bus stops.
Farnham and nearby Aldershot both have train stations with buses or taxis which could be used for the onward journey to Farnham Hospital.
On arrival, through the main entrance, the stairs are ahead of you and the lifts can be found around to the right of the reception desk.
Frimley Health appointments are held on the second floor.
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Drink / snack machine