Proxy access

MyFrimleyHealth Record is an online platform and app that lets patients access their medical records at Frimley Health. 

It allows patients to manage their care from their PC or mobile device - letting them view their test results and letters, ask their clinical care team any questions before or after an appointment, manage appointments, attend virtual consultations and more.

MyFrimleyHealth Record allows you to share access to your records and messages with an appropriate person. They are known as a proxy.

Once you've setup your own MyFrimleyHealth Record access you can give access to someone else with an account. You can also request access to the records of a child- or an adult that doesn't have capacity- that you have responsibility for.

See below for details of how to give or request access.

Managing proxy access as an adult patient

  • Log in to your MyFrimleyHealth Record account.
  • Select the ‘menu’ button.


  • Select 'sharing hub' in the sharing section.


  • Select 'manage friend and family access' in the bottom menu.


  • Click 'invite someone'


  • Complete the name and email for the person you are giving proxy access.


  • Select the level of access you want to provide. This will set what they can see and do in your MyFrimleyHealth Record account.


  • Once complete, click the 'send invite' button.


Important Notice

Giving access to your health record to someone else is done at your own discretion. It is your responsibility as the patient to manage the people who have proxy access to your record.

Proxy Process

Once you have sent the invite, the person will need to log in to their MyFrimleyHealth Record account to confirm their identity and accept the invite. 

As the patient, you can take away proxy access from another person at any time:

  • Log in to your MyFrimleyHealth Record account.
  • Select the ‘menu’ button.


  • Select 'sharing hub' in the sharing section.


  • Select 'manage friend and family access' in the bottom menu.


  • You can edit your proxy which will allow you to switch what level of access they have or you can revoke their access entirely which means they no longer have access to any of your record.


Managing proxy access for a child patient

  • Log in to your MyFrimleyHealth Record account.
  • Select the menu button.


  • Select 'sharing hub' in the sharing section.


  • Select 'manage friend and family access' in the bottom menu.


  • Click 'request access to a minor’s record'.


  • Please ensure all information is up todate. This form will be sent to the MyFrimleyHealth Record helpdesk for approval.


  • After submission the MyFrimleyHealth Record helpdesk will contact you for proof of identity and parental responsibility. Once this proof is received, your access will be provided within 10 working days.

If your parental/guardianship responsibilities change and you should no longer have access to a patient’s record, you should remove your proxy access.

Note: This cannot be done on the MyFrimleyHealth Record app, it will need to be done in a web browser.

  • Log in to your MyFrimleyHealth Record account.
  • Select the menu button.


  • Select 'sharing hub' in the sharing section.


  • Select 'manage friend and family access' in the bottom menu.


  • Under 'whose records can I see?' you can revoke your proxy access to the patient’s MyFrimleyHealth Record.


  1. If someone shouldn't have proxy access to a minor’s account, you must notify the Trust as soon as you can. You can do this by emailing our helpdesk or by completing a form in MyFrimleyHealth Record:

    • Log in to your MyFrimleyHealth Record account.
    • Select the menu button.


    • Select 'sharing hub' in the sharing section.


    • Select 'manage friend and family access' in the bottom menu.


    • Click 'request restriction to a minor’s record'.


    All restriction requests will be processed in three days.

Frequently asked questions

Please request an account in the same way as a patient.

Once you’ve submitted the form the MyFrimleyHealth Record team will be in contact to activate your account.

From December 2022, for a child born at the Trust, the mother will automatically be granted proxy access to their baby’s record.

Where access has not been granted, please complete the “request access to a minor’s record” form, detailed above. The form will be submitted to the MyFrimleyHealth Record helpdesk to be processed.

The Trust will request proof of parental responsibility e.g. copy of birth certificate and identity. Where more than one person has parental responsibility, the Trust will consult all individuals.

Where the person requesting access can demonstrate they have parental responsibility, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the young person and there are no reasons not to grant access, the person will be granted proxy access to the young person’s record. 

Where the young person is between the age of 12-16, requests will be discussed with the clinical team and - where applicable - the young person, to ensure access is in the young person’s best interest.

When the young person reaches the age of 16, the proxy settings will be automatically removed and must be requested again.

The person with parental responsibility must follow the process as detailed above. 

Where the child is between the age of 16-18, requests will be granted in discussion with the young person and with their consent. This is to ensure access remains in the young person’s best interest.

When the young person reaches the age of 18, the proxy settings will be automatically removed. 

Where a person with parental responsibility wishes to continue to have access to a young person’s record beyond their 18th birthday, this will need to be granted by the patient themselves.

The Trust will not grant proxy access to an adult's record where they have the capacity to do this themselves. 

Where the patient does not have the capacity to do this themselves, the person making the request must email the