Patient advice and liaison service (PALS) staff provide confidential information, advice and support to help patients, relatives and carers with any issues, queries or concerns you may have relating to your care or treatment with us. The service aims to help resolve issues informally and quickly and can liaise between you and those providing your care on your behalf.

The PALS team are here to support you with ‘on the spot’ questions or concerns. They can be particularly helpful if your concerns relate to current issues that need prompt action, such as dealing with the care of someone who is currently in the hospital.

PALS staff do not investigate concerns that require a formal written response. If you have a concern about something that you want investigated and responded to formally and in writing, you will need to use our complaints service.

You can access the PALS team whilst you are a patient or visitor in the hospital, once you have left, or if you are at home waiting for an appointment or procedure.

Our PALS teams are based near the front entrances of both Frimley Park Hospital and Wexham Park Hospital and you can pop in to request our advice and support face to face. Our staff will also visit you on the ward if requested and available. You can also contact PALS by telephone or email. If we are not available to take your call, you can leave a voicemail. We aim to respond to messages or emails within 48 hours.

The PALS offices at both Frimley Park and Wexham Park are open Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) from 9am to 5pm.

Patient advice and liaison service (PALS) staff provide confidential information, advice and support to help patients, relatives and carers with any issues, queries or concerns you may have relating to your care or treatment with us. The service aims to help resolve issues informally and quickly and can liaise between you and those providing your care on your behalf.

The PALS team are here to support you with ‘on the spot’ questions or concerns. They can be particularly helpful if your concerns relate to current issues that need prompt action, such as dealing with the care of someone who is currently in the hospital.

PALS staff do not investigate concerns that require a formal written response. If you have a concern about something that you want investigated and responded to formally and in writing, you will need to use our complaints service.

You can access the PALS team while you are a patient or visitor in the hospital, once you have left, or if you are at home waiting for an appointment or procedure.

Our PALS teams are based near the front entrances of both Frimley Park Hospital and Wexham Park Hospital and you can pop in to request our advice and support face to face. Our staff will also visit you on the ward if requested and available. You can also contact PALS by telephone or email. If we are not available to take your call, you can leave a voicemail. We aim to respond to messages or emails within 48 hours.

The PALS offices at both Frimley Park and Wexham Park are open Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) from 9am to 5pm.

  • Provide you with information about services provided by Frimley Health 
  • Listen to your concerns and try to help resolve these quickly
  • Speak to staff involved in your care and explain concerns on your behalf
  • Signpost you to external organisations that might be better placed to help you if you have queries that are not specific to the hospital or need extra support outside of the hospital and are at home
  • Advise you on how to make a formal complaint
  • Signpost you to local advocacy services to assist you in making a complaint if necessary
  • Pass on your feedback and compliments to staff and service areas

The PALS team monitor trends in concerns raised and feed this back within the Trust to help ensure service improvements are made to enhance patient experience.

If we have tried but have been unable to put things right for you, or if you wish to make a formal complaint that requires an investigation, PALS can also provide you with information on how to do this.

There are many different NHS organisations who provide healthcare services locally. If you are not sure who you need to contact, we can advise you.

Concerns regarding your GP practice - If you have a concern with your GP, please contact your GP surgery's practice manager at your doctor’s surgery in the first instance.

Contacting the Integrated Care Board (ICB) - If you feel that your GP has not resolved your concerns, or you prefer to speak to someone else, you can also contact Frimley ICB, by calling 01252 335154. You can also contact the ICB if you would rather ask them to investigate your complaint about our services.

NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board
King Edward VII Hospital
St Leonards Road

Royal Berkshire Foundation Trust (RBH) PALS - 0118 322 8338, Email
You can also contact their complaints team:

Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust - 0118 904 3467 Email

The local ambulance services are provided by SCAS and SECAmb

South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS)0300 123 9280 Email patientexperience@scas.nhs.u

South East Coast Ambulance Service (SECAmb) - 0300 1239 242 Email: