We always work to deliver the best possible care and compassion to cancer patients and their families.
We have the facilities to diagnose and treat many types of cancer and offer a wide range of services for adults, children and young people. One in three of us will develop some form of cancer at some point in our lives, and our teams are committed to improving the outcome for you if you are diagnosed with cancer.
As a Frimley Health patient you will have much of your treatment at one of our hospitals. However, depending on your cancer type, there may be occasions when you have to visit one of our partner hospitals, or a specialist cancer unit which is a recognised centre of excellence for that particular type of cancer.
We aim to tailor your care to your needs, depending on the type of cancer that you have.
Who will care for you
If your GP thinks you may have cancer, they will refer you to one of our hospitals. You will have an appointment within two weeks of being referred to us. Often, your symptoms will be caused by a condition that is not cancer, but it is important that these are checked as soon as possible.
Most patients will be seen initially in the outpatients clinic by a doctor. You may also meet your key worker, who is usually one of the clinical nurse specialists. You may have some tests or scans on the same day, and you will have the opportunity to discuss your symptoms and concerns and you will be given some information to take home to read.
If you are diagnosed with cancer, you will be cared for by a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) of expert doctors, nurses and specialist healthcare professionals. This team will support you and your family and will help you to understand your tests and treatment options.
Other care and support
We know that having cancer affects so many areas of your daily life. This is why we will be there for you with advice and information to help you cope with emotional, physical and practical problems. Whether you need guidance on nutrition or complementary therapies, controlling your pain, coping with symptoms, anxiety and side effects, or how to keep working, we want to help you to live as normal a life as possible during your illness.
Children, teenagers and young people
Our hospitals offer shared care services for children and young people with cancer. The paediatric departments based at Wexham Park Hospital and Frimley Park Hospital both share care of all young cancer patients with the Children's Hospital, Oxford, St George’s Hospital, London, The Royal Marsden, London and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London.
This means that children and young people can have some of their care and treatment nearer to home. For 18-24 year olds, as much local treatment and support as possible will be available through the relevant adult services, and specialist centre referrals will occur according to the type of tumour being treated.
Wexham Park Hospital is a designated Teenage and Young Adults (TYA) Unit. Teenagers and young adults diagnosed with cancer are notified to the TYA Centre, Oxford and are supported by a CLIC Sargent social worker and a clinical nurse specialist based in Oxford.
If your child has suspected cancer they will be referred to one of our shared care services for diagnosis. If cancer is confirmed, the oncology team will decide their treatment plan and refer your child to the shared care service for some of their treatment. This may include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, depending on the type of cancer they have. For example, if your child needs regular outpatient chemotherapy, they may be able to have it at their local hospital, or in liaison with a relevant specialist centre, depending on the type of tumour being treated.
All children and their parents will be able to come in and meet members of our team, including their key worker, and find out more about their diagnosis and planned treatment.
Macmillan Cancer Support
If you want to talk to someone, the Macmillan Cancer Information and Support centres are based at the main entrance to both Wexham Park Hospital and Frimley Park Hospitals.
The Cancer Information Centres can provide information, guidance and support to all patients with a cancer diagnosis and at any stage of treatment. They are also here to support your family, friends, carers and other health and social care professionals.
The teams can support with various topics such as:
- Finances, benefits & grants
- Emotional support including counselling, support groups, buddy programmes
- Wigs
- Complementary therapies
- Foodbanks
- Face to face wellbeing workshops
The centre offers a drop-in service or appointments and are staffed by our Macmillan cancer information manager, our Macmillan information officers, and several trained volunteers. Both centres are open most weekdays from 9am till 4pm.
Find out more about Macmillan Cancer Support - including when their mobile service might be closer to you.
Contact us
- Wexham Park
0300 615 4886
fhft.macmillan.information@nhs.net - Frimley Park
0300 613 0181
Frimley Renal Cancer Centre (FRCC)
NHS England commissioned FRCC to provide specialist treatment for kidney cancer across parts of Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex. FRCC accepts referrals from other hospitals outside our cancer network for second opinion or specialised treatment.
Find out more about the Frimley Renal Cancer Centre - including the types of treatment you can receive.