Our occupational therapy service is designed to assess the physical, mental and social rehabilitation needs of patients, working together with other members of the team providing care to the individual.
Patients staying in hospital
When a patient is referred to this service, we will establish how they were coping before their stay in hospital and identify any issues which need to be addressed before they go home. Assessments and any necessary treatment will then be completed. Where safe, we would always try to enable people to return home, with support if required. However, we may also recommend further inpatient treatment outside of our hospital.
We may look at:
- Personal care – e.g., washing and dressing, toileting
- Making meals
- Household tasks
- Leisure activities
Although the occupational therapy team take into account any wider issues, we will only action essential requirements to enable patients to leave hospital and go home safely. If a patient needs more support once they are home we will refer them to the community-based team.
Where essential, we will arrange equipment or minor home adaptations to enable independence within the home environment.
Service to outpatients
Our service to outpatients includes:
- Surgery / orthopaedics - vocational rehabilitation, work hardening and custom made hand splinting services