We provide a full range of emergency hand injury services including non-surgical and surgical treatments and hand therapy.
The specialist service covers a large area to the west of London. We take referrals from hospitals, minor injury units and GPs.
If you injure your hand, check whether you can self-care or need to visit hospital. NHS 111 can provide advice.
If you need emergency treatment, visit your local minor injury unit or emergency department. If needed, they will refer you to our specialist hand service.
Details of emergency clinics
Plastic urgent clinic (PUC)
Time: 8.30am – 2.30pm
Days: Monday – Friday
Location: Orange Zone, Wexham Park Hospital
Contact: 0300 615 3031
Email: fhft.plasticsurgentcare@nhs.net
Plastics dressing clinic (PDC)
Time: 8.30am – 2.30pm
Days: Monday – Thursday
Location: Orange Zone, Wexham Park Hospital
Contact: 0300 615 3031
Closed hand injury clinic (CHIC)
Time: 9am – 2.30pm
Days: Monday (Mr Kulkarni / Miss Vamadeva); Thursday (Mr Baker / Mr Gardiner)
Location: Orange Zone, Wexham Park Hospital
Contact: 0300 615 3031
Virtual closed hand injury clinic (VCHIC)
There are no face to face consultations.
Patient notes and X-rays are reviewed electronically.
If you are referred to the VCHIC you will receive a phone call or text message with further details of treatment. This might be a call from the hand therapy team, the surgeon or most often a message from our bookings team inviting you to a face to face appointment (CHIC on Mondays and Thursdays).
Time: 9am – 12.30pm
Days: Tuesday (Mr Baker / Mr Gardiner); Friday (Miss Vamadeva)
Location: virtual review of notes and x-rays.
Contact: 0300 615 3031
Find us
In an emergency, go straight to the Emergency Department, Wexham Park Hospital.
The emergency hand clinics are located in the Orange Zone. You will need a referral from the Emergency Department, a GP or local hospital. We do not see walk ins in the emergency hand clinics.