We provide a walk-in service for dental x-ray imaging. Please refer to the radiology page for sites and opening times

X-rays use a type of radiation that can pass through the body. They can’t be seen by the naked eye, and you can’t feel them. X-rays are performed by Radiographers or assistant practitioners to produce images of the inside of the body. They can be used to examine most areas of the body but are mostly used for bones and joints and some internal organs. 

If you are having a dental x-ray there is no preparation necessary.

Please avoid wearing facial, ear or neck jewellery as this will need to be removed for the x-ray and can be time consuming to do in the room.

If you have dentures or dental implants that are removable, you will be asked to remove them temporarily. 

You will be asked to stand or sit depending on the images required and will be guided into the necessary position for the x-ray. Once you are in the correct position, you will need to keep still to prevent any blurring on the image. The person taking your x-ray will operate the machine from behind a screen to take the x-ray. 

Depending on what imaging has been requested, more than one image may be taken of your teeth / jaw, from different angles. The procedure will usually only take a few minutes. 

The x-ray itself is painless, and you won’t feel it, but sometimes, particularly if you have an injury, it may be uncomfortable getting into the correct position. The person taking your x-ray will be as gentle and careful as possible, taking any injuries into consideration when positioning you for the images. 

Everyone receives ionising radiation every day from radioactivity in the air, food we eat and the sun. Your age, size and the body part being imaged will influence the amount of medical radiation used and theoretical risks of additional exposure.

The benefit of the procedure is making the correct diagnosis or treatment plan. A dental x-ray will only be performed where this benefit has been assessed as outweighing the risks of radiation exposure by an appropriately trained individual. 

Our radiographers and assistant practitioners are trained to obtain the best possible imaging using the lowest amount of radiation possible and the equipment is regularly checked to ensure it is safe and effective. 

You won’t experience any after-effects from a standard dental x-ray and will be free to resume your normal activities straight away. 

Your x-ray images will need to be examined, and the results will be sent to the doctor, dentist or healthcare professional who referred you. The radiographer performing your x-ray should advise how long this will take.

Should you need to chase the results of your x-ray, please speak with your dentist, GP or consultant who referred you. We are unable to give results to you directly. 

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