Our team in radiology is made up of lots of staff from varying professions. You may meet any number of them in your journey through radiology depending on what procedure you are having done, but here is a brief description of roles and what they do here in radiology. 

Radiologists –

Doctors specialising in medical imaging. They perform some imaging procedures and interpret imaging studies, providing written reports for your referrer. Our individual radiologists are listed further down this page. 

Radiographers (diagnostic) –

Registered allied health professionals who perform diagnostic imaging procedures. Some radiographers specialise in different imaging modalities (technologies or types) such as MRI or CT scanning. Radiographers are also responsible for carrying out regular quality assurance checks on the imaging equipment and ensuring any faults are reported and the appropriate action taken. 

Mammographers –

are radiographers who are specially trained in breast imaging. 

Reporting radiographers –

are Radiographers who have done additional training to interpret images and write reports. 

Nuclear medicine technologists –

are individuals trained to perform nuclear medicine studies. Some have a background as radiographers, whereas some come from a healthcare science background. 

Sonographers –

are individuals specially trained to perform and interpret ultrasound imaging. Some have a background as radiographers, whereas others come from different areas such as midwifery, nursing or science. 

Assistant practitioners –

are trained in some aspects of radiography to undertake a limited selection of imaging examinations under the supervision of a registered radiographer. 

Radiology department assistants –

are valued members of the team, working alongside Radiologists or radiographers to ensure smooth running of lists, supporting and preparing patients for procedures, chaperoning, and liaising with other services such as portering. 

Administrative / clerical staff –

our reception and administration team are knowledgeable and answer patient queries, schedule and amend appointments, and attend patients for examinations. They are often the first person you encounter when you enter one of our departments and serve as a vital point of contact for patients.  

Nurses –

based within our interventional team, our radiology nurses are dedicated to monitoring and caring for patients before, during and after invasive radiology procedures. They directly assist radiologists during some of these procedures also. 

Radiography students and apprentices –

we are a teaching hospital, and we provide placement for university students, as well as having our own apprenticeship pathway to provide hands on clinical training, enable these individuals to learn all of the practical skills needed to qualify as a radiographer at the end of their training. 

Radiology registrars –

are doctors undergoing specialist training in radiology. They are learning to carry out certain medical imaging procedures and to interpret and report imaging examinations. They work under the supervision of a consultant radiologist. 

You may also see engineers or medical physicists passing through our department. While not based within our team, engineers do the valuable task of maintaining and servicing our imaging equipment and fixing it when we have break downs. Medical physicists are responsible for carrying out specific quality checks and calibrations on our equipment and ensuring our radiation safety practices meet the required standard, providing support and advice as needed.