Frimley Renal Cancer Centre (FRCC)
NHS England commissioned FRCC to provide specialist treatment for kidney cancer across parts of Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex. FRCC accepts referrals from other hospitals outside our cancer network for second opinion or specialised treatment.
FRCC has national reputation for offering modern management of renal cancer using the latest techniques and state-of-the-art technology.
We are currently performing in excess of 200 renal cases per year.
FRCC offers a specialised service from diagnosis, surgical / radiological treatment and follow-up after treatment or active surveillance.
FRCC carries out regional specialist renal cancer Multidisciplinary Team meeting (MDT) every week. We routinely discuss all patients with suspected kidney cancers. MDT will recommend the best possible care and management based on your needs, size and location of your tumour.
FRCC team is made up of four renal cancer surgeons, a renal cancer fellow, specialised uro-radiologists and a dedicated renal cancer nurse specialist.
FRCC has close ties with the academic department of medical oncology at The University of Surrey and St Lukes Cancer Centre in Guildford.
With the support of the cancer office and MDT coordinators at FPH we provide a high quality regional service.
Our specialised services offer: