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Here you will find various reports, presentations and infographics summarising our engagement periods for the new Frimley Park Hospital.

We are committed to working with our patients, staff, volunteers, local communities, and other stakeholders throughout our work to deliver a new hospital and to involve as many people as possible in all stages of developing your new hospital.

Site criteria engagement: 24 November - 7 January 2024

Between 24 November 2023 to 7 January 2024 we held our first engagement period to find out what is most important to you when considering a site for the new hospital. We wanted to know what you thought of the criteria we were planning to use to assess the sites, specifically around the site location, planning, and buying the site. For each of these criteria, we listened to you on how appropriate they were, if any needed further refinement, if there were criteria that you thought were missing, and if any were particularly important to them, and why.

View the exhibition boards we used at our various engagement events.

What was important to you?

We have now published an independent report on the views, opinions and feedback we received during the engagement exercise. This is being carefully considered as we move forward with our process to identify potential viable sites for the new Frimley Park Hospital. View our full results of the engagement exercise, with our key findings available below.